Tag Archives: American Medical Association

Celebrating Women’s History Month

Women’s History Month celebrates the achievements and contributions of women across cultures. Studies show the pivotal role that female physicians and providers play in their patients’ care. We’re grateful for the opportunity to support female physicians and the excellent care they provide!

Navigating the Launch of My Private Practice — With the Right Help

Discover how a partnership helped equip Sonal Patel, MD, with tools, technology, and support to start her own practice.

How Do the New E/M Coding Changes Elevate the Doctor-Patient Relationship?

How might the recently implemented E/M revisions increase practice revenue, combat burnout, enhance the doctor-patient relationship, and change coding by time and medical decision-making?

What Do Coding Changes for 2021 Mean for Doctors (and Healthcare)?

The American Medical Association’s (AMA) revised E/M codes go into effect next year. Amy Waller, Vice President, HIM and Coding Integrity, Privia Health, examines how these changes can enhance the patient-provider relationship and what steps independent practices can take to prepare for 2021.

Physician Burnout, COVID-19, and the Paradox of Excellence

How might physicians’ determination to deliver excellent patient care, especially during the uncertain times of COVID-19, increase burnout? Joseph DeVeau, MD, draws from his experiences and extensive research to explore how we might redefine “excellence” to combat this perplexing problem and better support providers.

The Rundown | Week of 2.25.2019

How does outdoor activity in childhood affect adult mental health? Why has burnout declined? Who is buying GE’s biopharma business — and for how much? Find the answers to these questions and more in The Rundown!

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