Tag Archives: Healthcare

Is Environmental Health a Social Determinant of Health?

How does environmental health intersect with the social determinants of health? Discover how these issues overlap and learn how small practices can take steps to become more eco-friendly!

COVID-19 and the Massive Primary Care Challenge

healthcare Innovation

The early effect that the COVID-19 crisis has had on primary care has already been well reported, and the data paints a discouraging picture. For example, a survey released in mid-April by the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) found that on average, practices were at the time reporting a 55 percent decrease in revenue and …

Study: Lower Patient Spending Has Primary Care Providers Worried About Future of Practices

As more patients delay care due to COVID-19 concerns, primary care providers are experiencing higher rates of burnout and financial uncertainty. How are physician groups working with insurers to offset these effects?

How Women’s Health Providers Can Thrive in Value-Based Care by Enhancing the Patient Experience

Female doctor consulting female patient.

How can women’s health providers enhance the patient experience and — in the process — advance value-based care?

The Social Determinants of (Women’s) Health

Gen Z patient talking with doctor.

From access to reliable transportation to pain management, the social determinants of health play a critical role in a woman’s access to high-quality care. Here are the top ways OB-GYNs can address the determinants in their communities.

Report: COVID-19 Increasing Wearable Sales and Research

Woman using wearable smart watch at desk

Wearable technology sales are projected to skyrocket in response to the pandemic. Meanwhile, researchers are innovating new ways for these smart devices to detect COVID-19. Learn how these exciting tech trends can improve patient health outcomes!

How the Quadruple Aim and Value-Based Care Intersect

There’s a lot of talk around the Quadruple Aim and value-based care, but how do these frameworks intersect and overlap? Rick Foerster, Senior Vice President of Value-Based Operations at Privia Health, examines how the interplay of these concepts can give us an accurate — and exciting — vision for what healthcare has in store in the near-future!

How to Start the Volume-to-Value Transition at Your Practice

The benefits of value-based arrangements — increased time with patients, reimbursements that reward high-quality care, and more — appeal to many providers. However, the barriers to entry are often confusing and intimidating. Sam Starbuck, Vice President of Privia Quality Network, offers his expert perspective on how and where providers can get started with value-based models.

The State of Healthcare With the Cures Act Final Rule

Earlier this year, CMS finalized the Cures Act, which mandates that providers and health plans enable patients to access their health information from their mobile devices. Chris Voigt, Chief Technology Officer at Privia Health, explores how and when providers can implement this innovative, promising rule.

What COVID-19 Can Teach Us About Telehealth

Telehealth is a great tool that providers can use to increase revenue during the COVID-19 pandemic. Graham Galka, Senior Vice President of Strategy & Innovation at Privia Health, explores the three key factors providers must consider before adding telehealth to their practice.

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