healthcare Innovation

COVID-19 and the Massive Primary Care Challenge

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The early effect that the COVID-19 crisis has had on primary care has already been well reported, and the data paints a discouraging picture. For example, a survey released in mid-April by the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) found that on average, practices were at the time reporting a 55 percent decrease in revenue and 60 percent decrease in patient volume since the beginning of the epidemic. As such, that MGMA report concluded that medical practice leaders were showing an extreme level of concern, with 97 percent already experiencing “a negative financial impact directly or indirectly related to COVID-19.”

In a separate mid-April survey of primary care clinicians, fewer than half of respondents said they had enough patient volume to stay open for the next four weeks (46 percent) or enough cash on-hand to stay open for…


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