Tag Archives: Coronavirus

Data Shows Worsening Burnout Rates Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic

Stressed doctor takes a break.

New data shows that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the rate at which certain medical professionals are reporting burning out. According to the study by Medscape, the burnout rate in primary care has dropped from 51 to 47 percent, but other specialties and female physicians have risen in risk.

COVID-19 Drives Patient Consumerism

Studies show that consumers demand high-quality online experiences from their physician’s virtual health technology, and additional access points to in-person visits, but healthcare organizations are falling short. What basic additions should physicians incorporate in their practices?

Study: Conflicting Information Linked to Mental Health Issues During COVID-19

Exposure to conflicting information about the COVID-19 pandemic has been one of the key causes of acute depressive symptoms and other mental health illnesses. Primary care physicians can clear up misconceptions during visits with their patients to help.

Report: Physicians Can Expect Future Growth in the Telehealth Behavioral Healthcare Market

The COVID-19 pandemic has increased demand for digital behavioral health care to increase accessibility and help reduce the costs of traveling to the doctor’s office. See how this market is expected to grow during and after COVID-19.

Is Environmental Health a Social Determinant of Health?

How does environmental health intersect with the social determinants of health? Discover how these issues overlap and learn how small practices can take steps to become more eco-friendly!

COVID-19 and the Massive Primary Care Challenge

healthcare Innovation

The early effect that the COVID-19 crisis has had on primary care has already been well reported, and the data paints a discouraging picture. For example, a survey released in mid-April by the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) found that on average, practices were at the time reporting a 55 percent decrease in revenue and …

Study: Lower Patient Spending Has Primary Care Providers Worried About Future of Practices

As more patients delay care due to COVID-19 concerns, primary care providers are experiencing higher rates of burnout and financial uncertainty. How are physician groups working with insurers to offset these effects?

Report: COVID-19 Increasing Wearable Sales and Research

Woman using wearable smart watch at desk

Wearable technology sales are projected to skyrocket in response to the pandemic. Meanwhile, researchers are innovating new ways for these smart devices to detect COVID-19. Learn how these exciting tech trends can improve patient health outcomes!

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