Tag Archives: accountable care organizations

CMS Savings Reaffirms the Need for Primary Care Support

A new study reveals social disparities among patient utilization of direct scheduling, which has been proven to improve continuity of care. How can independent physicians encourage patient enrollment in their patient portal and other online capabilities?

How Physician-Led ACOs Accelerate the Volume-to-Value Transition

Physician-led ACOs helped save the healthcare industry $739 million last year while advancing value-based care. What can this teach providers about healthcare’s “Quadruple Aim” and the future of medicine?

How Interoperability Stitches Together EHRs

What can we learn from accountable care organizations that all use a shared EHR? What does this tell us about how we can reapproach interoperability? What barriers stand in the way? Explore these questions with Privia Health™ Chief Technology Officer Chris Voigt!

How Do Physician-Led ACOs Accelerate the “Quadruple Aim” + Population Health?

Physician-led ACOs routinely outperform hospital ACOs. Why is this? Learn what policies and features enable these organizations to improve the patient experience while lowering costs!

Accountable Care Organizations Are Here to Stay

Accountable Care Organizations (also commonly known as ACOs) have been all the buzz over the past two years as a way to curb our skyrocketing healthcare costs. Accountable Care Organizations are no longer an idealistic concept, now these networks are truly proving their worth. In 2014, 20 pioneer and 333 shared savings program ACOs generated …

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