More: Practice Management

Capabilities Pt. 2: Strengthening The Business of Medicine

Explore the three key features of a capabilities framework to improve provider satisfaction, enhance productivity, amplify the patient experience, and boost your practice’s bottom line!

Optimizing Your Practice for Elderly Patients

Medicare open enrollment is the perfect opportunity to re-focus your practice on elderly patients’ needs. Learn how to leverage wellness visits, patient portals, and telehealth to better serve this diverse demographic.

Capabilities Pt. 1: How Frameworks Free & Empower Physicians

In the first part of our series on “capabilities,” we explore how a revolutionary concept from the business world can ease the burnout epidemic in medicine. What are the key takeaways of this framework? Read on to find out!

Behind the Costumed Language of Population Health

This Halloween, we’re investigating what exactly is meant by terms such as “population health” and “quadruple aim” to get at the core meaning. These common phrases are costumes, hiding the true meaning of these powerful concepts. Click here to read more and demystify this industry jargon!

Peak Practice Performance: Patient Engagement

Engaging and treating patients is why many doctors chose this profession. This work is rewarding, but often extremely difficult. Learn how your practice can use online reputation management, social media, patient feedback surveys, and other tools to navigate this territory and help your patients!

Patients, Ostriches, and Psychology: How Behavioral Economics Can Inform Your Practice

Behavioral economics examines our decision-making processes and questions whether we’re as rational as we like to think we are. How can this emerging field help providers understand your patients better and, as a result, improve your practice to reflect how people act in real life rather than in theory?

Understanding Millennials: Two Vital Statistics for PCPs

Millennial patients pose unique challenges for physicians. How can you appeal to this demographic of 75.4 million Americans who, by 2020, will make the majority of healthcare decisions?

Tips to Establish Yourself as a Physician Thought Leader

Now that 40% of consumers use social media to find their doctor, you need to stand out from the crowd and establish yourself as a thought leader. That may sound daunting, but by following these simple tips, your patients and your practice will benefit immensely.

Peak Practice Performance: Productivity & Growth

Want to read the first two parts in Jessica Folmar’s “Peak Practice Performance” series? Click here! Have you noticed a lull in your appointments? Does it seem that as the temperature rises higher and higher, the number of patients you see sinks lower and lower? A study published by ZocDoc indicates that summer is the …

Dating Your Technology Partners: A Framework for Evaluating Your Relationships

It’s growing late, and the entree has long been cold. Familiar thoughts hang in the air: Is this what’s best for me? Are they here for the right reasons? Am I showing too much interest? Not enough? Do they really think this will work? No, this isn’t a recap of the latest episode of The …

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