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Episode 30: How Value-Based Care Shifted in 2020

break room

While the COVID-19 pandemic was healthcare’s top story for 2020, the industry also saw tremendous progress with value-based care. Our guests are Privia Health’s Mark Foulke, Executive Vice President, Transformational Value-Based Care, and Rick Foerster, Senior Vice President of Value-Based Operations. We discuss trends in commercial and federal value-based programs, partnerships for independent practices, the …

Why Price Transparency Improves Healthcare Consumerism

Healthcare consumerism is an unstoppable force that has led to permanent changes in the healthcare landscape. What are these changes, and what should primary care physicians know if they want to transform their practices to accommodate CMS’s new rules?

COVID-19 Drives Patient Consumerism

Studies show that consumers demand high-quality online experiences from their physician’s virtual health technology, and additional access points to in-person visits, but healthcare organizations are falling short. What basic additions should physicians incorporate in their practices?

How Health Systems Are Driving the Volume-to-Value Transition

Health systems are pivotal in the volume-to-value transition. Frank Letherby, CEO, Health First Medical Group and Privia Medical Group — Florida, examines how health systems can serve patient-customers while gathering important data to drive performance and value-based care.

Google Announces Healthcare-Specific Artificial Intelligence Tools

Google recently announced two new healthcare-specific artificial intelligence (AI) tools designed to gather insights from unstructured medical text. How might these tools reduce administrative work, avoid errors, improve the patient experience, and lower physician burnout?

Lessons Learned: Deploying Telehealth in a Crisis

Healthcare consumerism places the patient at the center of the industry, and COVID-19 has helped in speeding up the process. What are the policy and technology trends that physicians should be aware of as the industry transitions into consumerism?

Future Trends in Healthcare Consumerism

Doctor using technology with overlaid graphics symbolizing trends and data

Healthcare consumerism places the patient at the center of the industry, and COVID-19 has helped in speeding up the process. What are the policy and technology trends that physicians should be aware of as the industry transitions into consumerism?

Study: Millennial Patients Take a Holistic Approach to Mental Health

A new study shows that millennial patient attitudes are changing when it comes to mental health: one, mental health impacts physical health; and two, they feel more comfortable seeking help. Healthcare clinicians can expect to see more requests for behavioral health services in the near future due to COVID-19.

What Do Medicare-Aged Patients Want in Their Healthcare?

Within the next 20 years, 20 percent of Americans will be 65 or older. It is crucial that providers understand this demographic’s preferences. How can providers embrace technology, increase patient education, and treat the social determinants of health to account for this “silver tsunami?”

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