Author Archives: Privia Health

Examining Waste in Healthcare (and One Method to Reduce It)

Researchers estimate that waste accounts for nearly 25 percent of our ever-increasing national healthcare spending. What constitutes “waste” and how might bundled payments help to reduce it?

CMS Announces New Payment Model for Regional Value-Based Care

In an effort to improve outcomes and decrease healthcare expenditures for Medicare patients, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released a new payment model to encourage regional preferred provider network growth. What should providers expect?

CMS Finalizes Policies to Expand Care Options and Settings

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced policy changes to expand at-home care, outpatient procedures, and telehealth. How might these new guidelines help hospitals facing a surge of patients due to the COVID-19 pandemic?

Why Price Transparency Improves Healthcare Consumerism

Healthcare consumerism is an unstoppable force that has led to permanent changes in the healthcare landscape. What are these changes, and what should primary care physicians know if they want to transform their practices to accommodate CMS’s new rules?

COVID-19 Drives Patient Consumerism

Studies show that consumers demand high-quality online experiences from their physician’s virtual health technology, and additional access points to in-person visits, but healthcare organizations are falling short. What basic additions should physicians incorporate in their practices?

Google Announces Healthcare-Specific Artificial Intelligence Tools

Google recently announced two new healthcare-specific artificial intelligence (AI) tools designed to gather insights from unstructured medical text. How might these tools reduce administrative work, avoid errors, improve the patient experience, and lower physician burnout?

Lessons Learned: Deploying Telehealth in a Crisis

Healthcare consumerism places the patient at the center of the industry, and COVID-19 has helped in speeding up the process. What are the policy and technology trends that physicians should be aware of as the industry transitions into consumerism?

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